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BC Museums Association 分享會

日期: 10月3日、5日、15日、20日、23日,請參考報名頁面




BC Museums Association 分享會
BC Museums Association 分享會


非常感謝卑詩省政府同 BC Museums Association 嘅大力支持!我哋誠邀你參加我哋嘅分享會,分享你嘅意見,幫助我哋一齊「建立」你心目中理想嘅博物館。無論你係新移民、青年、長者,定係跨代家庭成員,你嘅聲音好重要,我哋好期待聽到你嘅想法!唔好錯過,快啲報名,一齊分享你嘅意見啦!

A big thanks to the Province of British Columbia and the BC Museums Association for their amazing support! We’re excited to invite you to join our in-person sharing circles where you can share your ideas and help us “build” your dream museum. Whether you’re a newcomer, youth, senior, or part of an intergenerational family—your voice matters, and we can’t wait to hear from you! Don’t miss out—register today and be part of something special!

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